Off Campus Access
The library uses a proxy service called OpenAthens to allow students and faculty to quickly access library databases and full-text resources when off-campus.
1. On the library website, when you (Juniata College students, faculty, staff, and college affiliates) click on a link to a database or article, a Juniata College Network Authentication screen will appear (see image below).
2. You will need to enter your Juniata Credentials.
Once you enter your credentials, you can access all Juniata College-subscribed materials as long as your browser is active. (If you close your browser, you will need to complete steps 1-2 again to validate yourself as a Juniata College affiliate).
In a few situations, you may not be given the above screen. (Ex. BioOne) In these cases, the user should try the OpenAthens options within that database. Below it is at the end of the link under the Blue Sign On box.
After clicking the OpenAthens link, you should select or type “Juniata College”.
Is there an easy way to check if the Library has full-text access to a resource from a Google search?
Yes! Install "Check JC Access" link on to your browser by following the instructions below.
For Chrome Users
For Firefox Users
For Safari Users
For Internet Explorer Users