Here you will find our upcoming library events and workshops. Our library services team works in collaboration with the campus community to host an array of events.
Our library team is committed to providing enriching programs that focus on student engagement and academic workshops.
The goal of our programs is to both educate our students about library services and life-long learning, while offering a safe, engaging space to explore and connect with their peers, and our team, in the building. Our team strives to collaborate with other departments and services on campus to provide an added level of support and connection to foster a safe environment for learning and enjoying the college experience.
Poe Themed Open Mic Night
Douglass Day
ASC: Origins of the Juniata College Library
National Library Week Bingo
Banned Books Panel
Tom McClain instructing Hannah Bellowar's students how to use podcasting on their class projects
National Library Week Wordle Competition
Solar Eclipse Presentation
Galentine's Day! Blind Date with a Book
Justine Black reads to children from NURSEry Rhymes Childcare Center
Humane Society visits the Learning Commons for Anti-Procrastination Week
The purpose of our academic workshops is to supplement the information the librarians discuss in our library instruction. Our goal is to increase a number of skills including:
The purpose of our Student Engagement Activities is to enhance student's college experience. This includes: