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HS 200 01 - The Great War: Find Books

Library of Congress Call Numbers

The Circulating and Reference Collections in Beeghly Library are organized by the Library of Congress Classification System.

One of the more relevant sections will be the D Class - World History and the History of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, etc.

Specifically, the areas

D501 - D680  for World War I (1914 - 1918).

On your initial search, try the search term "world war, 1914-1918."

The poetry or works of fiction on World War I can be found anywhere from PQ (French Literature) to PT (German Literature) depending on the authors nation of origin. Class P - Language and Literature.

See the middle column for specific examples.

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  • Author(s)
  • Publication Year
  • Source of the above information.


  • Author(s)
  • Article Title
  • Periodical Title
  • Volume
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  • Publication Date
  • Pages