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Archives and Special Collections: Donations


The Juniata College Archives and Special Collections is dependent on the generosity of our donors to help us build and maintain a strong archival and rare book collection that helps enrich our understanding  and documents the dynamic history of Juniata College.

We are interested in donations of rare books, small press periodicals, manuscripts, institutional records, college publications, photographs, audiovisual materials, oral histories, electronic records, and selected artifacts. Collection strengths and areas of special interest include the following.

College History with an emphasis on:

  • Board of Trustees
  • Presidents
  • Accreditation
  • Faculty Assembly
  • Select departmental records
  • Select faculty papers
  • Athletics
  • Student and alumni perspectives


Priority will also be given to materials that support or enhance the college curriculum. We are a teaching collection and welcome class visits and student research projects.

Materials are added to the collection based on the recommendation of the Archivist in consultation with the Dean of the Library. All accepted donations must be accompanied by a signed Deed of Gift.

Why should I donate?

Why contribute to an archive?

One of the most lasting things you can do is contribute your own historical materials to repository such as an archive, special collections library, historical society, or museum. From personal letters to family photographs to business records, your collection adds to a more inclusive historical record.

A repository can provide long-term preservation of your materials, while also allowing current and future researchers such as genealogists, writers, and students to better understand and analyze history. Even more importantly, your collection can enrich your community’s collective memory.

What can I donate?

This list, which is suggestive and not definitive, illustrates the wide range of documentation that is often useful for historical and administrative research:

  • Letters/notes/email
  • Memoirs/reminiscences
  • Diaries/blogs
  • Scrapbooks/photo albums
  • Professional/business papers
  • Genealogical information/charts
  • Speeches/lectures/sermons
  • Articles/essays
  • Subject files
  • Legal documents
  • Minutes/reports
  • Brochures and fliers
  • Awards/certificates
  • Photographs (with subjects and locations identified)
  • Films/videos/audio tapes (including identifying information)
  • Limited run publications such as church or family histories
  • Websites

Also of interest are files relating to an individual’s civic, business, religious, political, and social activities.

What is the process?

  1. Decide if you would like to make donation.
  2. Contact our library staff.
  3. Working with the library staff, identify the materials the Archives or Special Collections would be interested in adding to the collections. 
  4. Reach and write a formal donation agreement or Deed of Gift.
  5. Materials listed in the donation agreement are transferred to the Archives and Special Collections where they will be:  processed, stored, described and arranged for usage.*


*Depending on the terms of the donation agreement  or Deed of Gift.

Q: How Should I prepare the materials? (Click to expand answer)

Q: Will the Archives and Special Collections Take Everything? (Click to expand answer)

Q: What else might I need to know about a donation? (Click to expand answer)


This page was built using content from the following sources:

The Louis Round Wilson Library Special Collections. "Donating Your Materials to an Archive." UNC University Libraries.

Donating Your Personal or Family Records to a Repository – Society of American Archivists, utilized under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.